V360Tech On-Line

Whatā€™s this about?

This is my (V360) personal site! This is a home for random blog posts, HTML experiments, and more! I had a janky old GitHub site, but Iā€™m considering everything on that site to be deprecated.

Anyway, watch this space! Or not! I wonā€™t really have much to show off anywayā€¦

Q & A!!!

Why are you named V360?
Itā€™s a funny story actually! Itā€™s funny because itā€™s incredibly mundane. I took the first initial of my ā€œrealā€ name and however many degrees were in a circle, and I combined them! It was such a stupid idea so brilliant that Iā€™ve kept the username for over 10 years now. Apparently Iā€™m also a Motorola phone?
What do you like?
Video games! And pizza! And %THIRD_GENERIC_ITEM%! Jokes aside, I like casual video games and doing a bit of programming every once in a while. Iā€™ve recently got into extremely bad art and extremely mediocre writing. Iā€™ve been trying to get into anime too, but I havenā€™t had the timeā€¦
What do you dislike?
The modern web! And being visible in real life! And sausage pizza!
Played any good games lately?
Ooh! Youā€™re gonna want to watch my blog for stuff like that! Iā€™m still writing this one post about my thoughts on Splatoon. It might take a bitā€¦ not because I have a lot to say, just because Iā€™m bad at writing. Meanwhile, I highly recommend: Anodyne 2 and HexCells.
Eaten any good pizza lately?
Iā€™m several states away from my favorite pizza placeā€¦ And I havenā€™t been there in years due to the apocalypse and scheduling conflictsā€¦
I feel like Iā€™ve been asked this before. Hm.
Well, thatā€™s all the time we have today, gā€™night folks!
Wait, what? But I was just going to talk about REALLY GREAT RPG 2!

Get your own free web site at Neocities.org! They donā€™t actually force you to have this footer, but I think it adds to the vibe of this site okay.